'Biocuantica original previously known as 'PHE Experience' reorganizes the 12 acupuncture meridians and the 8 extra meridians. It balances the chakras as well as the Cranial Sacral reflex amongst other reflexes and balances the brain hemispheres. Its based on the theories and depth of ancient healing techniques (Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Craniosacral therapy, Bio-energy and Oestopathy to mention a few) added to the knowledge of Quantum physics, Morphic resonance and much more.
Since the beginning of the 1980’s, we are noting the acceleration of a global movement for the integration of knowledge in all areas of human activity. Hence the market is full of techniques and technologies that in many cases ten years ago, we would have labelled improbable if not impossible.
What would we have said to those who went to the first courses studying to become a chiropractor using spinal manipulations in Germany and Spain in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s?
Not to mention the transformation in our beliefs and systems regarding various techniques; physiotherapy, osteopathy, kinesiology, reflexology, natural medicine and many more. Many of those were still under investigation during this period. In the field of bio-energy, traditional Chinese medicine and many more, it is felt that with modern technology applied to traditional treatments we had already reached the highest level but in fact that left us perplexed with the arrival of the quantum technology systems of bio resonance etc, and when it seemed that everything had been covered someone speaks about the PHE experience (aka Psincrholonergética) which is a natural quantum system. Results without using needles, without frequency systems and expensive quantum devices, using a simple system that is affordable to all and that strives to generate the same proximity with the client that the health professionals formerly had.
On one hand we are relieved because we all have the intuition or illusion that there must be a way to have good health using simple and low cost methods. But on the other hand we like to hear technological words and difficult theories.
- Helps in the process of relaxation and stress, and with issues of rejuvenation, facial brightness and revitalization along with complex irregularities of the skin.
- Muscular and Skeletal issues including lumbar problems, arthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia, hormonal irregularities (eg. thyroid, liver, pancreas, and the digestive system).
- Helps with depression, anxiety/anguish, difficulties of acceptance, issues with low self esteem and self awareness.
- Prior to pregnancy, and during and after childbirth it organizes processes of the fetus during gestation and ensures a successful delivery. It is effective in quickly recovering the body to how it was prior to pregnancy. It can also help in the process of trying to get pregnant.
- Working with children with their mental issues eg. nightmares and growing pains, ailments of the throat & tonsils and issues in physical development such as dyslexia, hyperactivity, attention and concentration issues ADHD etc.
- Helps with issues relating to creativity and artistic processes in different fields: designers, musicians, actors, painters, composers etc.
- Those nonspecific aches that do not signal analysis and yet the person feels unwell.
- Vision and hearing processes.
- Helps to cleanse the body of remains of medication and decrease the dosage.
- Positive response in psychosomatic processes; disconnections, passivity, unconstructive behaviour, mental issues, blocks, stiffness and numbness, non healthy relationships, dependencies, issues arising from low self esteem and lack of confidence and security, difficulties in communication and motivation.
- Aids development of aspects that relate to sensitivity and spirituality.
- It can also be used on animals.
Here are a few examples:
When a person has had weekly migraines for the last five years making them bedridden; or when a man suffering from loss of hearing since childhood it is regained; when a three year old boy could avoid a tonsils operation, or when a kitten escapes spinal surgery and the vet is perplexed; or the composer that changes all his work which took over seven months to compile and in less than two months recorded in London something spectacular and completely different, or a writer that almost ends a novel that he had been working on for more than ten years; or when a young girl who had serious general health and relationship problems and was unable to go to school and make friends moved swiftly forward in life leaving her parents bewildered; or when someone with more than five attempts at suicide following a series of sessions replicates his life to discover that he is a great artist; or when someone who did not know what they wanted, was depressed, recovers the desire of life,
It is a procedure whereby your health is improved by integrating traditional energy wisdom with advances in the forefront of quantum physics. The PHE Experience objective is to involve and to restore “the inner self”, affected by the consequences of the various turbulences of life, and to tune the effects of the auto-biographic energy process of the client.
It enables the customer’s energy processes, reorganizing the cells of the physical and quantum body. This does not work with technology but with bio-quantum formulas, that “the inner self” of the subject requests. The “inner self” knows what is needed to better organize their energy, imagination, emotions, symbols and other more subtle characteristics. This can also be called a spiritual process. A process which takes 15 days to complete, so ideally other energy treatments should not be received during this time, eg. Osteopathy, acupuncture, reflexology etc.
"There seems to be something so precise and comprehensive situated within, which organizes the inner self with great depth, like a seed that is planted then flourishes, improving those dysfunctions that one had or that were just about to convert into physical symptoms."
"There seems to be something so precise and comprehensive situated within, which organizes the inner self with great depth, like a seed that is planted then flourishes, improving those dysfunctions that one had or that were just about to convert into physical symptoms."
To explain scientifically how we manage to do many interesting things is complex and requires an introduction that is carried out in the workshops of learning.
The subject lies on their back and we approach the bio-quantum information which the 'inner self' requests via the pulse, their body starts to restore its functions as if suddenly "it remembered how it feels to work properly". During the course of the session order is brought to the different quantum levels, organizing the complex mechanisms of our brain tweaking our conscience and modulating hormone cycles, all this is at the first surface level. It may be that the body of the subject only wishes to carry out the improvement at this first level. Here is where we will work listening to the body via the pulse and approaching the bio-quantum information requested so that their meridians, chakras, nadis, organizational structure, dimensions, and morphic fields flow as needed.
The PHE Experience works at more than 46 levels below the chakras and 56 levels below the acupuncture meridians, which is called the quantum body.
It works on the body axis so deep that the inner and outer body and mind, physical energy both material and spiritual and other "opposites" disappear bringing you so close to the flow of the source of life.
In the early stages of the procedure the facilitator of the PHE puts the person in a very deep but subtle state, passing the brain waves from Beta (waking, conscious decisions) to Alpha (trance, subconscious, meditation, creation) and then to Zeta Theta (dream, unconscious, spiritual depth) and Delta (deep sleep). At that level of depth a few changes are made that are the seeds of a process that will make a fundamental change, thus helping to understand the success from a creative aspect, as well as bodily processes and general health.
The Meta-objective is the joy of being in a world where we naturally think, feel and get excellent physical and spiritual health.
Thank you very much for your time and your interest